Climate Driver: Heat
All Regions |
Heat Events:
- More frequent
- Longer duration
- More extreme
Elevated temperatures
Vulnerable Groups:
- People over age 65
- People over age 65 and living alone
- Children under age 5
- People with preexisting conditions:
- Diabetes
- Cardiovascular disease
- Renal system disease
- People of color1
- People working or exercising outdoors
- People with limited English proficiency
Health Risks:
- Heat Exhaustion
- Heat Stroke
- Illness or death due to cardiovascular disease
- Illness or death due to renal system failure
Poor Outdoor Air Quality:
- Increases in ozone
- Increases in particulate matter
- Increased pollen production
- Longer pollen season
Ozone, Particulate Matter
Vulnerable Groups:
- People over age 65
- Children under age 5
- People with pre-existing conditions: asthma, COPD, respiratory allergies, cardiovascular disease
- People working or exercising outdoors
- People with limited English proficiency
Health Risks:
- Respiratory arrest
- Exacerbation of asthma and other lung disease
- Exacerbation of allergies and respiratory infections
- Reduction in childhood lung function development2
Vulnerable Groups:
- People with allergies
- People with asthma
Health Risks:
- Exacerbation of asthma
- Allergy symptoms
Food-borne Illness
Spoiled food from refrigeration failure in transport/storage
Vulnerable Groups:
- People over age 65
- Children under age 5
- Pregnant women
- People with compromised immune systems
Health Risks:
Changes in patterns of salmonella growth
Vulnerable Groups:
- People over age 65
- Children under age 5
- Pregnant women
- People with compromised immune systems
Health Risks:
Water quality degradation
Vulnerable Groups:
- People over age 65
- Children under age 5
- Pregnant women
- People with compromised immune systems
Health Risks:
- Gastrointestinal Illness
- Nitrate exposure
- Naturally occurring arsenic and uranium exposure3
Climate Driver: Heat and Increased Precipitation Combined
All Regions
Vectorborne Disease:
- Longer seasons
- Expanding ranges
- Increased habitat
- Higher breeding rates
Vulnerable Groups:
- People working or exercising outdoors
- People with pets that go outdoors
Health Risks:
- Tick-borne illnesses (e.g. Lyme, Babesiosis, Anaplasmosis)
Vulnerable Groups:
- People working or exercising outdoors
Health Risks:
- West Nile Virus
- Eastern Equine Encephalitis
Biological Contamination of Water
Contact with water contaminated with fecal bacteria (e.g. E. Coli or salmonella) from runoff, flooding, or sewer overflow discharge4
Vulnerable Groups:
- People over age 65
- Children under age 5
- Pregnant women
- People with compromised immune systems
Health Risks:
- Skin infections
- Eye infections
- Wound infections
- Gastrointestinal Illness
Exposures: Water or shellfish contaminated with Vibrio bacteria (e.g. Vibrio vulnificus, Vibrio parahaemolyticus)5
Vulnerable Groups:
- People over age 65
- Children under age 5
- Pregnant women
- People with compromised immune systems
- People with liver disease or Thalassemia
- People who consume raw shellfish
- People who take medications that decrease stomach acid levels
Health Risks:
- Gastrointestinal illness
- Wound infection
- Septicemia (bloodstream infection)
Exposures: Contact with Algae Blooms (Cyanobacteria)6
Vulnerable Groups:
- Children under age 5
- People who boat or swim in fresh water lakes, ponds, and rivers
- Pets
Health Risks:
- Gastrointestinal symptoms
- Skin and eye irritation
- Neurological damage
- Liver damage
Chemical Contamination of Water
Exposures: Contact with chemically contaminated water from flooding and runoff
Vulnerable Groups:
- People over age 65
- Children under age 5
- Pregnant women
Health Risks:
- Skin reactions
- Chronic Illness
Climate Driver:
Flooding (inland and coastal)
All Regions
| Hazard:
All Flooding
Contaminated flood water (direct contact or flood-contaminated drinking water)
Vulnerable Groups:
- People over age 65
- Children under age 5
- Pregnant women
- People with compromised immune systems
- People with limited English proficiency
Health Risks:
- Skin infections
- Eye infections
- Wound infections
- Trench foot
- Gastrointestinal illness
Debris/Physical hazards
Vulnerable Groups:
- Adolescents and Young Adults7
- Utility workers
- Rescue workers
Health Risks:
- Injury or death from debris, downed wires, drowning, falls, and motor vehicle crashes
Exposures: Loss of Electricity, heat
Vulnerable Groups:
- People over age 65
- People living alone
- Children under age 5
- People using medical equipment that requires electrical power or medications that require refrigeration
Health Risks:
- Carbon Monoxide (CO) Poisoning
- Falls and injuries in the home
- Medical emergencies due to loss of medical equipment function
- Medical emergencies due to spoiled medications
Vulnerable Groups:
- People over age 65
- People with limited mobility
- People under age 18
- People with low socioeconomic status
- People who rent their homes
- People with limited English proficiency
- People of color
Health Risks:
- Psychological stress
- Financial loss stress
- Loss of employment
- Substance abuse
Mold |
Vulnerable Groups:
- Children under age 5
- People with compromised immune systems or respiratory disease
- People with Allergies
- People with Asthma
Health Risks:
- Allergic reactions
- Respiratory illness
Tidal Flooding
Exposures: Salinization of land leading to loss of shade cover and green space
Vulnerable Groups:
- People susceptible to heat-related illness (see groups vulnerable to heat events)
Health Risks:
- Heat-related illnesses (see heat related health risks)
Exposures: Salt intrusion into drinking water supplies
Vulnerable Groups:
- People with hypertension or other salt-sensitive illnesses/medications
Health Risks:
- Hypertension
- Medication interactions
Climate Driver:
Extreme Weather
All Regions
Damage to critical infrastructure
Loss of electricity, heat
Vulnerable Groups:
- People over age 65
- People living alone
- Children under age 5
- People using medical equipment that requires electrical power or medications that require refrigeration
Health Risks:
- Hypothermia
- Carbon Monoxide (CO) Poisoning
- Falls and injuries in the home
- Medical emergencies due to loss of medical equipment function
- Medical emergencies due to spoiled medications
Exposures: Loss of water and sewer/septic utilities
Vulnerable Groups:
- People over age 65
- Children under age 5
- Pregnant women
- People with compromised immune systems
- People with limited English fluency
Health Risks:
- Gastrointestinal illness
- Dehydration
Exposures: Damage to roadways
Vulnerable Groups:
- People over age 65
- People living alone
- Children under age 5
- Pregnant women
- People with limited mobility
- People with chronic medical conditions requiring frequent care
Health Risks:
- Death or injury due to delayed emergency response
- Motor vehicle accidents/injuries
Direct storm impacts
Debris/Physical hazards
Vulnerable Groups:
- Adolescents and Young Adults7
- Utility workers
- Rescue workers
Health Risks:
- Injury or death from debris, downed wires, falling trees, falls, and motor vehicle crashes
- Hattis D, Ogneva-Himmelberger Y, Ratick S. The spatial variability of heat-related mortality in Massachusetts. Applied Geography 33 (2012) 45-52.
- Gauderman WJ, Avol E, Gilliland F, Vora H, Thomas D, Berhane K, McConnell R, Kuenzli N, Lurmann F, Rappaport E, Margolis H, Bates D, Peters J. The effect of air pollution on lung development from 10 to 18 years of age. N Engl J Med. 2004 Sep 9;351(11):1057-67.
- USGS Uranium and Arsenic Bedrock Well Study for Massachusetts on
- Flood Waters or Standing Waters: Health Risks. Available from the US Centers for Disease Control:
- Vibrio vulnificus Infections and Disasters: Disaster Recovery Fact Sheet. Available from the US Centers for Disease Control:
- Harmful algal blooms in fresh water bodies (Massachusetts DPH fact sheet). Available at
- Lowe D, Ebi KL, Forsberg B. Factors Increasing Vulnerability to Health Effects before, during and after Floods. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2013, 10, 7015-7067.