Massachusetts Department of Public Health seal Massachusetts Environmental Public Health Tracking

Tutorials - Running a Query


  • On the query page, add in important information about the population or geographic area you want to explore.
    • Note that you should avoid using Internet Explorer.
  • Select options provided in order, from top to bottom and left to right, then select “Submit”.
  • It may take a few minutes for the page to load depending on how much data is available and your browser type.
  • The selected data will automatically appear when the run is complete.
  • Below are some examples of queries you can run:
    1. Health Outcome, Cancer
    2. Environmental Exposure, Air Quality
    3. Inspection, Food Processing

1a. Health Outcome (Cancer):

Click on the green Explore Maps & Tables icon on the top right of the cancer topic page. On a mobile device the icon will be at top center of the page.

There is a screenshot of the top of the Cancer topic page, including paragraphs of information and a pie chart. There is a red arrow pointing to the green Explore Maps & Tables icon, which is located at the top right. There is a cursor clicking on the box.

1b. Health Outcome (Cancer):

Select a report type, sex, age category, cancer type, 5-year time period, and geography.

There is a screenshot of the MA EPHT home page Maps & Tables section, which follows the section on the Community Profile. There is an angled, red bracket surrounding the topic page links, which are listed in 3 columns labeled health, environment, and inspections. The cursor is clicking on the Cancer topic page link as an example.

1c. Health Outcome (Cancer):

Select more specific geography by checking the boxes. Check all the boxes by clicking on Select all. Uncheck all the boxes by clicking on Deselect all.

There is the same screenshot of the query page with a red box over the second set of Select Geography options. This section has all the town/city boxes checked off. The cursor is clicking on the Select all button, which is situated below the prompt box.

1d. Health Outcome (Cancer):

Select Submit on the bottom right to run the query.

The same screenshot for the query page has a red box around the Submit button, which is located at the bottom right of the page. The cursor is clicking on the button.

1e. Health Outcome (Cancer):

A map will automatically appear with the selected data.

There is a screenshot of the map page, which is the default view for most queries.  It is titled Brain and Central Nervous System Cancers for Males and Females Combined by Community for 2007-2011 at the top. A map of Massachusetts shows each town displaying data using different colors, representing a fixed legend for cancer standardized incidence ratio.

1f. Health Outcome (Cancer):

Want to go to back? On the top left, click Return to Query to edit your entry or click Return to Topic Page to return to the topic.

The screenshot of the map has red boxes around the links Return to Query and Return to Topic Page on the top left of the page. The cursor is clicking on the first link as an example.

2a. Environmental Exposure (Air):

Click on the green Explore Maps & Tables icon on the top right of the air quality topic page. On a mobile device the icon will be at top center of the page.

There is a screenshot of the top of the Air Quality topic page, including paragraphs of information and a picture of a family looking at the sky. There is a red arrow pointing to the green Explore Maps & Tables icon, which is located at the top right. There is a cursor clicking on the box.

2b. Environmental Exposure (Air):

Select data type, pollutant type, and indicator.

There is a screenshot of the query page with red boxes and arrows highlighting each step. It says “Start here” in the top left of the page. Then, there are options for “Type of Data”, “Pollutant Type”, and “Indicator”. Example selections include Monitoring for Type of Data, PM2.5 for Pollutant Type, and Annual Average for Indicator.

2c. Environmental Exposure (Air):

Select your geography by checking the boxes. Check all the boxes by clicking on Select all. Uncheck all the boxes by clicking on Deselect all.

The same screenshot has a red arrow pointing right, up, and right again to a red box around the Select Geography options. All the county boxes are checked off. The cursor is clicking on the Select all button, which is situated below the prompt box.

2d. Environmental Exposure (Air):

Select one year or a year range using the drop-down list(s). Then click on Submit.

The same screenshot has a red box around Select Year or Year Range with From: 2007 and To: 2016 selected as an example. There is a red arrow pointing to the submit button, which has a red box around it. The cursor is clicking on the submit button, which is located at the bottom right of the page.

2e. Environmental Exposure (Air):

A map will automatically appear with the selected data.

There is a screenshot of the map page.  It is titled Air Quality Monitoring Data Annual Average PM2.5 Concentrations (micrograms/cubic meter) for 2016 at the top. A map of Massachusetts has each county displaying data using different colors.

2f. Environmental Exposure (Air):

Want to go to back? On the top left, click Return to Query to edit your entry or click Return to Topic Page to return to the topic.

The screenshot of the map has red boxes around the links Return to Query and Return to Topic Page on the top left of the page. The cursor is clicking on the first link as an example.

3a. Inspection (Food Processing):

Click on the green Explore Maps & Tables icon on the top right of the topic page. On a mobile device the icon will be at top center of the page.

There is a screenshot of the top of the Food Processing Inspections topic page, including paragraphs of information and a picture of people working with food on a conveyor belt. There is a red arrow pointing to the green Explore Maps & Tables icon, which is located at the top right of the page. There is a cursor clicking on the box.

3b. Inspection (Food Processing):

Select a filter to narrow your selection, more than one may be necessary.

There is a screenshot of the query page with the words Select a Filter on the left and a box around dropdown options for Community, Company,  Doing Business As, Manufacturers/Distributes, and Company Type. The cursor is clicking on the Community dropdown box.

3c. Inspection (Food Processing):

Select a desired company name link.

There is a red box around the company name American Nut & Chocolate, Inc. and the cursor is clicking on the link as an example.

3d. Inspection (Food Processing):

The inspection result (NAI, VAI, or QAI) is listed in the first table and the result definitions are listed at the bottom on the page.

There is a screenshot of the query results. There is Company Information and License Information on the left, including the address of the facility. There is a map of the address location on the right. There is a red box around the Inspection Result and another red box around the Inspection Result Definitions, located at the bottom right of the page.

3e. Inspection (Food Processing):

Want to go to back? On the top left, click Return to Topic Page to return to the topic or on the bottom of page click “Return to List” to select another company.

There are two screenshots of the page zoomed in. The first image has a red box over the Return to Topic Page link with the cursor clicking on it in the upper left corner. The second has a red box around the Return to List button with the cursor clicking on it in the bottom left corner.
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